A recent terraform deployment for vpsc it failed with an error of Resource not available in given availability zone.

I used the aws-cli to get the list of azs from the given region in question:

aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region eu-west-1

It returns a list as follows:

    "AvailabilityZones": [
            "State": "available",
            "OptInStatus": "opt-in-not-required",
            "Messages": [],
            "RegionName": "eu-west-1",
            "ZoneName": "eu-west-1a",
            "ZoneId": "euw1-az2",
            "GroupName": "eu-west-1",
            "NetworkBorderGroup": "eu-west-1",
            "ZoneType": "availability-zone"
            "State": "available",
            "OptInStatus": "opt-in-not-required",
            "Messages": [],
            "RegionName": "eu-west-1",
            "ZoneName": "eu-west-1b",
            "ZoneId": "euw1-az3",
            "GroupName": "eu-west-1",
            "NetworkBorderGroup": "eu-west-1",
            "ZoneType": "availability-zone"
            "State": "available",
            "OptInStatus": "opt-in-not-required",
            "Messages": [],
            "RegionName": "eu-west-1",
            "ZoneName": "eu-west-1c",
            "ZoneId": "euw1-az1",
            "GroupName": "eu-west-1",
            "NetworkBorderGroup": "eu-west-1",
            "ZoneType": "availability-zone"

That allows me to troubleshoot the missing az and switch to another region with the right number of azs.